Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Catalunya Wants to Exercise Right to Self-Determination

As if Spain didn't have enough problems, now Catalunya is putting to a vote their desire to remain under Spain's sovereignty.


Artur Mas: "It's time to exercise the right to self-determination"

After almost half an hour of speech, the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas , has called for early elections and has called on the Catalans to decide on the future of Catalonia them to decide between continuity or "the right to self-determination " , which has become the election date of November 25 in plebiscitary elections but more wanted to go beyond stating that the election will go to a desire to lead the process of self-determination.

But the president has brushed the epic when unveiled its intention not to stand again "once Catalunya has decided its national goal", which has sought to foreclose any allegation or suspicion of partisanship on the will to perpetuate power: "The elections are almost always a stage that feeds partisan confrontation, but our times demand a high sense of status and high levels of personal sacrifice." So, "I have reflected deeply on the meaning of a country that touches me so, once Catalunya has decided its national goal I will not submit and hope and wish that occur in a legislature, not better than two."

The composition of the second season have come long speech more emotional words and the clearest reasons for moving up the elections. In the last minute the podium, Mas pointed out that in the inaugural address spoke of " unlimited national transition "because his thesis" was and is "that," in the same way that Spain made ​​the transition to democracy, Catalunya should do to the right to self-determination, "he explained. 

According to the head of the Catalan, "a process of self-determination requires a special force that only the people can give, "he invited, after which he assured that the task force, which could well be a majority," do not ask convenience to me or my party, because these elections are held for a leader is to perpetuate, but to the people to decide what you want your future as a nation, "he explained.
Artur Mas said that "the Parliament that emerges from the elections, likely will face the most difficult task of the last 300 years", but "everyone knows that there will be a before and after the demonstration of National Day" . In any case, the president believes that the elections, the Catalans and Catalan leaders have the opportunity to know if those who did not attend the march Setembre 11 "are all against the national transition", as noted in the most reluctant to independence . 

For the president, "the road is full of obstacles" and evisado that "there will slurs, accusations and insults of all kinds", but as said a few days ago in another speech, "nothing will be easy but anything is possible."

But also recalled the process that has led to this process Catalunya, with recent onset in the judgment of the statute, where  the old demons born of anti-Catalanism " . has acknowledged that President Rajoy will lead the Congress proposed fiscal pact that presented on 20 September at the Moncloa, but the Catalan leader rejected the possibility of the impossibility of its success and to avoid further humiliation, such as trimming statute voted by the people of Catalunya. way, "now is not Congress who vote, but the people of Catalunya "has ruled.

The president has also warned of possible attacks that can receive Catalunya during the electoral process is now open. So has warned that it would be an aberration marginalize Catalan depending on their place of birth, or attack the Catalan language, because "the Castilian heritage of Catalonia is also, as is the Catalan to the rest of Spain "
